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This unit supplies the Data Aware Date/Time related Edit Components for ESBPCS.
Components Included:
TESBDbYearEdit : Enhanced Data Aware Edit designed for the input and display of Years, and supplies many year-based methods and routines. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBDbDateEdit : Enhanced Data Aware Edit designed for the input and display of Dates, and supplies many date-based methods and routines. Allows customise formatting. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features. +0 can be entered for Today, -1 for Yesterday, +1 for Tomorrow, -28 for 4 weeks ago, etc. Dates can be entered without separators, eg 111205 or even with different separators then are displayed.
TESBDbTimeEdit : Enhanced Data Aware Edit designed for the input and display of Times, and supplies many time-based methods and routines. Allows customise formatting. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBDbMonthEdit : Enhanced Data Aware Edit designed for the input and display of Months, and supplies many month-based methods and routines. Allows display of Short Format and Long Format, as well as Month Number. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBDbDOWEdit : Enhanced Data Aware Edit designed for the input and display of Day of Week, and supplies many DOW-based methods and routines. Allows display of Short Format and Long Format, as well as DOW Number (including ISO-8601 numbering). Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBDbDateTimeEdit : Compound Edit consisting of a DbDateEdit and a DbTimeEdit, with customisable formatting, UICtrl support and many Date/Time related methods and properties
TESBDbDurationEdit : Enhanced Data Aware Edit designed for the input and display of Duration, and supplies many duration-based methods and routines. Allows customised display of durations, as well as input of durations different to that displayed. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.

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