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ESBPCSMathLib for TAdvSpreadGrid

For users of ESBPCS and TMS Software's TAdvSpreadGrid. This release adds 71 constants and 70 functions to TAdvSpreadGrid, and will be expanded upon. An Executable is included so that you can see the usage without having either product, and full source to the Demo is included for those who do have both products.

Download v5.6.1 - 982 Kb released 29 Aug 11.

ESBPCSMathLib Screen Shot

Requires TAdvSpreadGrid to be installed, as well as one of ESBPCS, ESBPCS-Lite or ESBPCS-Stats. This add-on is Free for owners of TAdvSpreadGrid and the ESBPCS packages mentioned.

ESBPCS EditLinks for TMS Grids

For users of ESBPCS and TMS Software's Grids. An Executable is included so that you can see the usage without having either product, and full source to the Demo is included for those who do have both products.

Download v5.6.1 - 1,060 Kb released 29 Aug 11.

ESBPCS Edit Links Screen Shot

ESBPCS Inspector Links for TMS Inspector Bars

For users of ESBPCS and TMS Software's Inspector Bars. An Executable is included so that you can see the usage without having either product, and full source to the Demo is included for those who do have both products.

Download v5.6.1 - 1,148 Kb released 29 Aug 11.

ESBPCS Inspector Links Screen Shot

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Last Updated: 10:23am 5th January 2024

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