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ESB Professional Computation Suite for VCL
Unit: ESBPCSDateTimeEdit

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This unit supplies the Date/Time related Edit Components for ESBPCS.

Components Included:

  • Toolbar Button for TESBYearEdit TESBYearEdit : Enhanced Edit designed for the input and display of Years, and supplies many year-based methods and routines. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.

  • Toolbar Button for TESBDateEdit TESBDateEdit : Enhanced Edit designed for the input and display of Dates, and supplies many date-based methods and routines. Allows customise formatting. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features. +0 can be entered for Today, -1 for Yesterday, +1 for Tomorrow, -28 for 4 weeks ago, etc. Dates can be entered without separators, eg 111205 or even with different separators then are displayed.

  • Toolbar Button for TESBTimeEdit TESBTimeEdit : Enhanced Edit designed for the input and display of Times, and supplies many time-based methods and routines. Allows customise formatting. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.

  • Toolbar Button for TESBMonthEdit TESBMonthEdit : Enhanced Edit designed for the input and display of Months, and supplies many month-based methods and routines. Allows display of Short Format and Long Format, as well as Month Number. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.

  • Toolbar Button for TESBDOWEdit TESBDOWEdit : Enhanced Edit designed for the input and display of Day of Week, and supplies many DOW-based methods and routines. Allows display of Short Format and Long Format, as well as DOW Number (including ISO-8601 numbering). Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.

  • TESBBaseDateTimeEdit : Base control for Compound Edits that show both Date and Time.

  • Toolbar Button for TESBDateTimeEdit TESBDateTimeEdit : Compound Edit consisting of a DateEdit and a TimeEdit, with customisable formatting, UICtrl support and many Date/Time related methods and properties

  • Toolbar Button for TESBDurationEdit TESBDurationEdit : Enhanced Edit designed for the input and display of Duration, and supplies many duration-based methods and routines. Allows customised display of durations, as well as input of durations different to that displayed. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.

Example of Date/Time Edits

Example of DateTime Edit

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