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This unit supplies the Date/Time related ComboBox Components for ESBPCS.
Components Included:
TESBMonthComboBox : Enhanced Combobox displaying Month as a Number, Short Format or Long Format. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBDOWComboBox : Enhanced Combobox displaying Day of Week as a Number, Short Format or Long Format and includes support for ISO-8601 numbering. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBTZComboBox : Enhanced Combobox displaying Time Zones and their various properties. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBTimeComboBox : Enhanced Combobox displaying Times with a defined interval period. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.
TESBDurationComboBox : Enhanced Combobox displaying Duration with a defined interval period and duration type. Also includes UICtrl Support, as well as many other features.

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