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ESB Professional Computation Suite for VCL
Unit: ESBPCSProgCalculator

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This unit supplies the Visual Programmer's Calculator, Programmer's Calculator Component and Routines for ESBPCS.

Classes Included:

Components Included:

  • Toolbar Button for TESBProgCalculator TESBProgCalculator : AA non-visual component for the Programmer's Calculator Engine, ESBPCSProgCalcEngine.TESBProgCalcEngine and TESBProgCalcForm, that supports Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, Binary, full precedence, brackets, arithmetic, and, or, not, nand, nor, xor, xnor, neg, different bit sizes, memory, history, etc. Also includes UICtrl Support.

Includes Routines Covering:

  • Displaying a Programmers Calculator programmatically.

  • Displays a Programmers Calculator programmatically at a give position.

Demo of Programmers Calculator

When Precedence is on (which is the default behaviour), here is the order of Precedence, from Highest to Lowest:

  • Brackets

  • Postfix Functions: neg, shl, shr, rol, ror

  • not

  • and, nand

  • or, nor, xor, xnor

  • multiply, divide, mod

  • add, subtract

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