Our Date and Time Calculator for Windows The Registered version is different to the Trial version - Registered Users need to download from the Registered Users page. A Portable Version for use on Removable/Portable Hard Drives is available for download from the Registered Users page.
What's New in v10.2 : zip or rar or txt Limitations of Trial: Nag screen reminding only 20 executions, printing is disabled, checking for updates is disabled, does not include electronic documentation nor the PDF designed for producing printed documentation. Designed for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 and above, and Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022 and above. Still works on Works on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. The visual appearance of ESBDateCalc Pro has been optimised for Windows 10 and above. Product displays Dates and Times according to your System Settings - the screen shots below are done with Australian settings thus Dates are DD/MM/YYYY and Times are HH:MM am/pm. Choose a Year and see what day of the week Christmas is on; when is Hanukkah; when is Jewish Passover; when is Easter; when is Thanksgiving in US or Canada; when is ANZAC Day celebrated; even what it would look like in Roman Numerals. Choose a Date and see it as an Astronomical Julian Day or a Modified Julian Day; the Day of the Year or how many Days left in the Year; what it would look like as an ISO-8601 formatted Week String or even how the Date looks in a variety of Computer related formats. Choose two Dates or two Date/Times and see how many days apart, weeks apart, hours apart, minutes apart they are - you can even fix one of the dates then change the number of weeks apart and come up with the new Date or Date/Time. Using Time Zones compare your current Time with UT / GMT and a Time Zone of your choice, as well as being able to convert a Date/Time from one Time Zone into another. Screen Shots of how ESBDateCalc Pro looks under Windows 10/11 You only need to register once - all upgrades are free for the life of the product - so purchase now. You may also want to consider the ESBCalc Pro Suite - with this you get all the ESB Calculators and Unit Conversion Utilities, including new ones as they are added to the suite, and once again registration is only needed once. Note: price of the Suite will increase as more Calculators are added but this will not affect registered users. ESBSmallCalc 10.2 on Windows 11 Registered Users also get ESBSmallCalc ESBDateCalc™ Pro Trial v10.2 without install zip (6,388 kb) rar (5,506 kb) - 25 Jan 2023 - Same as above but without the Install/Uninstall, just has the files in a zip or rar archive. |
©1999-2024 ESB Consultancy email support ESB Calculators Home Page ESB Consultancy Home Page Last Updated: 10:24am 11th January 2024 Trademark Acknowledgments: Brand and Product Names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders, and we especially want to acknowledge Microsoft and Embarcadero. |